THE last Crediton Urban Taskforce [CUT!]’s day of action involved cleaning up Pounds Hill, where the volunteers did a great job.

The group’s next day of action will be preparation for the Britain in Bloom competition. 

On July 16, the RHS Britain in Bloom judges will be visiting the town to assess Crediton’s entry into the Pennant Competition. Crediton last entered in 2022 and received the Silver Gilt Award. Not only do the judges want to see the beautiful displays of horticulture in the town, but there is a huge emphasis on the community and how it comes together to look after the town. 

Anyone who would like to help should meet on the Town Square for the cleaning event on Saturday, July 13, at 3pm.

It will be a last push to make the central part of Crediton as clean as possible.

Volunteer Natalia Letch said: “Please come and help! The more helpers we get the bigger area we can clean in a couple of hours.

“If you cannot join us on Saturday, July 13, please help Crediton by cleaning the streets along your walls perimeter at a convenient time for you.

“Tools and tea and biscuits are provided this Saturday. See you there!”