A CREDITON woman who has packed thousands of shoeboxes of gifts for children and families in need in Moldova and Ukraine, Eastern Europe, in recent years is thrilled that during 2022 she was able to send a total of 267 filled boxes.

Margaret Tucker spends much of her spare time collecting donations or buying items to fill the shoeboxes, which she does in her garden shed.

She wraps each of the boxes in Christmas wrapping paper, includes a Christmas card and sometimes a photograph of her and her family.

The most recent batch of 107 filled shoeboxes was completed in November, her partner Derek tying string around each box.

They were loaded into a van and delivered by Kyrtonian’s Biffo Holland and his wife to Exmouth for Hugh Scudder of Christian Response to Eastern Europe (CR2EE).

Hugh runs the collection point and transport for the boxes to Moldova, all safely delivered in time for Christmas.

Margaret told the "Courier": "I am so pleased that we were able to send 267 filled boxes last year.

"My thanks to everyone who supported me, especially Refurnish, who donated items, the ladies who knitted lovely teddy bears, Crediton Methodist Church, Morrisons and all those who supplied much-needed shoeboxes and lovely gifts.

"The boxes mean so much to the poor in both Moldova and now Ukraine.

"They are taken over by lorry, personally supervised by Mr Scudder, who goes out there regularly, for charity work, which has included building a place where they can have meals.

"They also do a children's summer party, where the children can be children and enjoy games.

"Usually they have to work in the fields.

"It usually means the box is the only thing they get at Christmas, usually given out at their Christmas Party or delivered to those who live too far away.

"Each box was full of Christmas goodies, including a small toy, colouring books, school stationery, crayons, pens, knitted hats and scarves, plus mittens, gloves, toiletries, knitted teddy bears, metal cars and tractors, boxed games, small dolls, plus biscuits, chocolates and sweets.

"Chocolate is a real treat for them.

"We also send some boxes with basic essentials for older ladies and older men.

"Also sent were several bags of knitted hats, mens clothes, knee blankets etc.

"Each box also contained a Christmas card as Hugh says they do love to know who sends the box and also know that someone cares about them, although they cannot read English.

"Covering the shoeboxes with Christmas paper kept me busy on many evenings instead of watching tv.

“I have already started collecting shoeboxes and items for this year’s boxes.

"Thank you so much, everyone for all your help and support, and to my partner Derek, who painstakingly ties every box up firmly with string!"

• If you have boxes, wrapping paper or items, these can be left at the Courier office during office opening hours.