PUPILS at Hayward’s Primary School in Crediton learned about the importance of D-Day on its 80th anniversary. 

On the morning of the anniversary, Thursday, June 6, all the children took part in reading the poem for schools, followed by a fish-and-chip lunch. 

Throughout the day, staff set pupils various tasks to engage with the meaning of D-Day and to help them imagine what it would have been like. 

Year three looked at some pictures from D-Day and answered questions about what they thought was going on in the photos and what the people in them might have been thinking.  

The class then read the real captions for the photos to see how much they had got right. 

Pupil Julia also brought pictures of a family member involved in D-Day and even a real diary entry of her talking about the day. 

Julia with family member's photo
Julia with family member's photo (Hayward's Primary School)

The other years did longer writing exercises, including writing letters home as if they were soldiers.