A CREDITON petrol station is seeking a licence to sell alcohol 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

If granted permission, the Asda Express Shell garage on the A377 Exeter Road will be able to sell alcohol for drinking off-site round the clock.  

Since it is illegal to sell alcohol from premises used primarily as a garage under the Licensing Act 2003, Euro Garages Ltd has claimed the site’s primary use is as a convenience store. 

The company said 51 per cent of its customers currently use the petrol station “for convenience purposes” and it expects this number to go up to 54 per cent in the next two years. 

It added that if allowed to sell alcohol it would train staff, keep spirits behind the counter, not sell miniature bottles of spirits, install a CCTV system and adopt a Challenge 25 policy. 

But a handful of people have written to the council with concerns about public safety, drink-driving, crime and disorder and public nuisance. 

“The link between drunkenness and crime and disorder is very well known and being the only local outlet for alcohol after midnight will inevitably cause disorder and crime in this area,” Doreen Hughes-Davies of Station Road said. 

“Allowing this licence will attract drunk people to this area, which means that there is very likely to be a public nuisance in the form of drunken shouting in the middle of the night, as well as other forms of nuisance such as criminal damage to local houses and gardens, littering and anti-social behaviour.” 

Robert Davies, also of Station Road, said: “The risk to public safety will be increased dramatically with people in no fit condition wondering [sic] upon the garage forecourt. 

“The sale of alcohol in garages enhances the temptation for people to drink and drive.” 

Ian Lanyon, again of Station Road, said: “There is no need to supply alcohol in the market town of Crediton during the night. 

“The majority of customers during these hours can be expected to be those that have already consumed too much alcohol and are merely seeking to continue their drinking hours. 

“Any others can reasonably be expected to purchase their alcohol during normal hours.” 

Some suggested the times for the sale of alcohol should be restricted in line with other stores in Crediton. 

The Tesco Superstore and Morrisons supermarkets are licensed to sell alcohol between 6am and midnight daily, but shut earlier. On the High Street, Tesco Express can sell alcohol between 6am and 11pm daily and Spar from 5am to midnight (they also shut earlier). 

“The licence should not permit sale of alcohol at a time when it is not readily available elsewhere,” Thomas Hughes-Davies of Station Road said. 

“I suggest that the licence permits the sale of alcohol until 11pm.” 

Peter and Sylvia Whitby, also of Station Road, added: “We have no objection to Asda/ Euro matching existing supermarket hours.” 

Mid Devon District Council will decide whether to give the petrol station permission to sell alcohol when its licensing sub-committee meets on Thursday, July 25.