A GIANT crane arrived at the Crediton McDonald's site on Sunday, January 5 and work began this morning, Monday, January 6, on erecting the building structure.

Groundworks for the 24-hour Crediton McDonald’s restaurant and drive-thru on land at Joseph Locke Way, next to Mole Avon Country Stores began in October.

Infrastructure arrived, fencing of the site took place and diggers began to clear scrub and dig out the site.
A vast quantity of earth was removed from the site and the foundations have been put in place.
In what is expected to be an 18-week turnaround from the start on site, this could mean that the restaurant and drive-thru should be open in time for Valentine’s Day on February 14!
Mid Devon District Council (MDDC) last year approved the plan for the restaurant and drive-thru with a number of conditions:
1) A financial contribution of £35,281 to be allocated and spent towards measures necessary to assist with the flow of traffic through the Western Gateway, St Lawrence Green and the High Street in Crediton and for the provision of two additional electric vehicle charging points above the two required by Policy making four in total to address air quality within the Crediton Air Quality Management Area.
2) A financial contribution of £15,000 toward the Shop Front Enhancement scheme. The shop front/business enhancement scheme is specifically targeted at SME businesses preparing and serving food: (Use classes E(a), E(b) and sui generis) that are situated within the Crediton Town centre boundary.
3) £5,000 for Devon County Council for double yellow lines through the TRO process and to secure the land on the Eastern Side of Joseph Locke Way, North of the junction to the proposed entrance to provide for a cycle/footway to the junction.
120 JOBS
McDonald’s says the restaurant is a multi-million-pound investment by a national operator in Crediton and that it is expected to employ more than 120 full and part-time staff, which McDonald’s will seek to recruit from the local area.
There will be seating for 76 in the restaurant with 36 car parking spaces, inclusive of provision for two accessible bays, two grill bays and four electric vehicle charging bays (one being an accessible bay).
There will also be cycle bay provision.
McDonald’s agreed to a number of planning alterations to its submitted plan, namely, changing the access to the site to benefit neighbours (Mole Avon), reducing the height of signage, trees, planting, lighting, signage, enhancing landscaping and including local materials to the building.
Full planning permission was approved on September 13, 2024.
McDonald’s says it is serious about waste sustainability, litter picking and responsibly disposes of waste and keeping areas clean and tidy.
Works to build the restaurant must take place between 8am and 9pm, with no works on Sundays or Bank Holidays.
Last week McDonald's submitted a plan for advertisement consent to display two fascia signs, three booth lettering signs, one digital booth screen, all illuminated and a yellow golden arch (Revised Scheme) at the site.