LIDL has today, Wednesday, February 5, confirmed that its opening of its Crediton store will not now be taking place tomorrow, Thursday, February 6.
A spokesperson for the company told the “Courier”: “The opening date of February 6 was reported in error, unfortunately.
“We are currently working through the necessary planning conditions with the Council, and once these are finalised, we will be in a position to confirm the official opening date.”
The building of the much-anticipated Lidl store in Crediton has been progressing well and a billboard was in place announcing it would open on February 6.

The new store, along with 114 parking spaces, servicing and landscaping is being built on a part of The Rec, the playing fields owned by Queen Elizabeth’s Education Foundation. Lidl paid £800,000 to Queen Elizabeth’s Education Foundation for the site.
The building is in place and the car park and outdoor works are almost completed.
Planning conditions included a payment of £87,289 to assist with the flow of traffic through the Western Gateway, St Lawrence Green and the High Street to address air quality within the Crediton Air Quality Management Area.
It has also paid £400,000 to help relocate Crediton Rugby Club and £100,000 to Devon County Council to provide a zebra crossing on Commercial Road, which is almost complete.
The new supermarket will include an in-store bakery.
The site will also include two electric vehicle charging points and 12 cycle parking spaces.
Lidl was granted planning permission for the new store in September 2022.
Once opened, Lidl says the store will create up to 40 new jobs for the local economy.
Lidl are well-known for not meeting scheduled opening dates.
Some leaflets about the store opening have been delivered by Royal Mail locally.
McDonald’s UK recently confirmed that the opening of its Crediton restaurant and drive-thru has been delayed.
It had been hoped to meet its proposed opening date of February 14, Valentine’s Day, but that romantic treat will not now be achieved.
The restaurant chain announced that the restaurant is now due to open towards the end of February.
Work on the Crediton restaurant and drive-thru at the site off Joseph Locke Way next to Mole Avon Country Stores is progressing well with the building structure up and work still taking place inside and outside.
Mid Devon District Council granted planning permission for the restaurant in September. Excavations began in October, with a large amount of earth removed and foundations put in place.
Work began on the building on Monday, January 6.
The 24-hour restaurant and drive-thru was due to open after an 18-week turnaround.
More than 120 full and part-time jobs are expected to be created.
There will be seating for 76 people in the restaurant with 36 car parking spaces, including two accessible bays, two grill bays and four electric vehicle charging bays (of which one will be accessible). There will also be space to leave bicycles.