MID Devon District Council planners are being recommended to approve a planning application (21/00222/MFUL), for a Lidl store in Crediton.

The council’s planning committee will meet at Phoenix Chambers, Phoenix House, Tiverton on Wednesday, July 27 (2.15pm) and a report by the planning officer attached to the agenda recommends the granting of permission subject to conditions and the signing of a S106 agreement (on such terms as shall be agreed by the Development Management Manager) to secure:

1)  A financial contribution of £87,289 to be allocated and spent towards measures necessary to assist with the flow of traffic through the Western Gateway, St Lawrence Green and the High Street in Crediton to address air quality within the Crediton Air Quality Management Area.

2)  A financial contribution of £400,000 towards the relocation process and provision of improvement to playing fields in light of the requirements of Policy CRE6 requiring the relocation of Crediton Rugby Football Club and a replacement pitch for Crediton Rugby Football Club (‘CRFC’).

3)  To secure the funding of £100,000 for Devon County Council to deliver a Zebra Crossing on Commercial Road which includes realignment of kerbing in Hawkins Way.



The applicant is seeking planning permission for the erection of a retail foodstore with associated parking, access, servicing and landscaping on Playing Fields at NGR 284091 100385, Commercial Road, Lords Meadow Industrial Estate, Crediton.

The site forms part of the playing fields located off Commercial Road and Exhibition Road used by Crediton Rugby Football Club with the site gradually sloping from west to east.

The site is located on the eastern side of the town, approximately 850 metres northeast of the town centre.

The development proposals involve the construction of a new Lidl store with a gross internal area (GIA) of 2,022sq.m with a net sales area of 1,256sqm (80 per cent for convenience goods sales and 20 per cent comparison goods sales) with site access to be provided from Commercial Road in the form of a new priority junction arrangement.

A total of 114 car parking spaces (two electric vehicle charging points) and 12 cycle parking spaces would be provided in support of the store.

In terms of the appearance of the building, the west elevation facing Exhibition Road would implement 4m glazing to provide natural light and the shopfront would wrap around a fraction of the south side elevation to comprise the customer entrance lobby.

The elevations would consist of high level grey cladding, with red bricks and some feature areas would consist of blue/grey brick piers and plinth beneath.

There would also be silver eaves guttering and rainwater pipes. The loading dock gable north elevation of the store would have a rendered treatment with the silver metal composite panels above. The silver metal composite panels would increase in depth along this elevation due to the rake of the mono pitch roof. Roof cladding would be standing seam in silver with solar panels fixed onto the roof slope.

Within the 40+ pages of supporting documentation, it is outlined that the development would also provide funds to help facilitate the relocation of Crediton Rugby Football Club (CRFC) whereby outline planning permission has been approved under 17/00348/MOUT for the residential development of up to 257 dwellings (at Pedlarspool/Creedy Bridge); up to five Gypsy and Traveller pitches; 8.6 hectares of land for the relocation of Crediton Rugby Club; up to 1.1 hectares of land for the delivery of a primary school; access arrangements from A3072 (Exhibition Way); pedestrian and cycle access on to Pounds Hill/Stonewall Cross junction, Old Tiverton Road and Pedlarspool Lane; landscaping and area of public open space; and other associated infrastructure and engineering operations at Pedlarspool/Creedy Bridge.


The reason for approval of permission/grant of consent is given that the proposed erection of a food store (Use Class E(a)) with associated parking, landscaping and access arrangements is considered to be supported when the policies of the Local Plan are viewed as a whole.

The report says the development is not considered to impact detrimentally on the viability or vitality of the town centre with sequential tests met.

The retail use of the store proposed will contribute to customer choice within the town of Crediton with a limited impact on the existing traders. The development is also not considered to result in a detrimental impact on the character of the area of result in significant adverse impacts on amenity levels of occupiers of residential property.

Having regard to all material considerations, it is concluded that the application does accord with the presumption in favour of sustainable development.

When tested against Paragraph 11 of the Framework the Local Planning Authority consider that the adverse impacts of the proposed development would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits when assessed against the policies of the NPPF as a whole.

In addition the economic benefits in terms of increased employment in the locality, financial contributions towards air quality mitigation and assistance in the relocation of Crediton Rugby Football Club have also been taken into account.

The proposal has been considered in terms of its impact on highway safety and whether the design is suitable for this location. With conditions relating to landscaping, highway matters and drainage, the application scheme is considered to comply with policies S1, S2, S7, S8, S9, S12, CRE11, DM1, DM2, DM3, DM4, DM5, DM15, DM25 and DM26 of the Mid Devon Local Plan 2013-2033.


Many consultees to the plan had no objection but Crediton Town Council was among consultees which objected to the application.

Reasons the council gave included hedge removal and loss of green corridors and bio-diversity, lack of design information relating to water re-use, pedestrian safety, loss of allocated housing within the Local Plan and also making comments about light pollution, flooding, highway concerns etc.

MDDC said it received 319 letters of representation, 15 of objection, 300 in support and five of general comment.

The Rec, the land on which it is proposed to build the Lidl store, is owned by Queen Elizabeth Education Foundation and currently leased by Crediton Rugby Club.

The new supermarket forms part of the company’s £1.3bn investment plans across Great Britain in 2021 and 2022.

It will feature an instore bakery and customer toilets.


Once opened, Lidl says the proposed store will create up to 40 new jobs for the local economy.

The public is able to attend the meeting via Zoom, the link available with the meeting agenda at www.middevon.gov.uk .

MDDC says, if you are intending to attend in person, you should please contact the committee clerk in advance, in order that numbers of people can be appropriately managed in physical meeting rooms.

The public is able to ask questions relating to items on the agenda from members of the public and replies thereto. A maximum of 30 minutes is allowed for this item.

If you want to ask a question or speak, email your full name to: [email protected] by no later than 4pm on the day before the meeting.

Do you agree with the recommendation of approval of the Crediton Lidl store plan?

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