by Alan Quick

CREDITION Hamlets Parish Councillors, meeting on Monday of this week, unanimously objected to a plan to build up to 60 homes on land off Pitt Hill, Threshers, Crediton.

Two local residents, speaking at the meeting, raised concerns about increased traffic congestion, and worsened air pollution problems in the town centre and also highlighted worries about flooding in the area.

The agent, Mr Mark Scoot of Brixham, on behalf of the applicant, Mr Ben Lee, has applied for outline permission with Mid Devon District Council for up to 60 homes on 1.1 ha of land described as adjacent Brookdale, Threshers, Hollacombe on the edge of Crediton where, until recently, horses had been kept. 

The plan says that while it is 1.1 ha, there is less development land because of “biodiversity constraints”.

It says: “The design has been informed by the existing site constraints of topography, levels and linkage to the existing road.”

The hedge along Pitt Hill would be kept with “minimal visibility spays for the new entrance.”

The supporting information says: “The layout has an organic feel with roads having a sinuous arrangement with the dwellings sitting parallel. This creates interesting vistas through the site with gaps allowing views across the site and to the wider area.”

Sixty dwellings are proposed with 14 flats that would look like houses, each property having two parking spaces with the majority of parking within their curtilage. 

The new homes would be two storey or three storeys where ground levels change. Any three storey properties would be cut into the site and step up to two storeys at the back.  


Mr Scott emphasised at the meeting that all hedges would be retained and that there should be less run-off from the field after the development has been built than currently as intenuation tanks would be installed, pumps would be used and other measures taken which would reduce run-off.

He said that following further discussions with the Local Flood Authority and Environment Agency, a new report into the flooding possibilities would be released soon which would indicate no objections with regard to flooding issues.

He did add that the Environment Agency did, however, have objection with regard to Zone Three of the plan but said that nothing was proposed to be built in that area.


Councillors said that the reports from the authorities before then did oppose the plan on flooding issues and they also raised concerns not only about that but also from run-off further down the valley and into the stream at Uton.

With regard to traffic congestion issues, Cllr Leigh said the council was aware of a long history of vehicles getting stuck in the Westernlea, Threshers area and another councillor said that some irresponsible parking by some local residents often caused traffic congestion, including for the Stagecoach bus service.

One of the members of public present raised concerns about traffic congestion in the area at peak school times and she said that it would be “10 times worse” if the houses were approved.

There was discussion about the proximity of the scheme to some services, such as the Chiddenbrook doctors’ surgery, but there were also comments about the need for vehicles of people visiting the surgery to park on the highway.

It was noted that there could be other housing development in the area in the future, some of the details of which have already been announced.

One councillor said he believed the far end of Crediton, nearer the Crediton Link Road, was a far better location for houses as traffic would not need to travel through the town to access the A377.

Mid Devon District Council is the planning authority which will consider the application at a future council meeting, as yet not determined.