THE AGM of Age Concern Crediton and District took place on January 17, reviewing the financial year from April 2022 to March 2023, as well as updating the attendees on the latest developments of the charity.

Jenny Berg, chair of trustees explained: "We welcomed everyone and thanked them for their interest and support.
"With the Covid pandemic losing its grip on our work, we had a chance to review our services.
"We replaced our minibus with two smaller wheelchair accessible vehicles, offering greater flexibility in their use.
"We sadly had to close our shop at 50 High Street, now owned by next door, no 49.
"Our present services are: a Community Club with activities and a meal two days-a-week - Wednesday and Friday, a café every other Tuesday morning often with entertainment, a very popular weekly Memory Café every Tuesday afternoon, Seated Exercise to Music class on Thursday mornings, an Art Club twice a month, a Menopause coffee and chat group twice a month and a Footcare Service.
"The Crediton Heart Project has had several successful creative activity sessions with the clients at the Centre.

"We enter our gardens into the Britain in Bloom competition each year.
"Our Home Support Service is a growing arm of our service, offering enabling, companionship and befriending, shopping, cleaning and assistance with paperwork.
"Our services are evolving all the time. We are hoping to hold regular sessions run by the Citizens Advice and also the Macmillan Advice Service.”
Jenny continued: "At the AGM we had a very interesting short talk and slides by Sophie Dunn of ‘Live Music Now’ which has been providing quality therapeutic and stimulating sessions to our Memory Café for people with dementia and their carers.
"Our CEO Jo Rice, staff, volunteers and trustees were thanked for all their hard work for our charity, as well as all the local organisations who give us their wonderful support, including the Town Council, Devon County Council, the Kelly Trust, the Boniface Rotary Club, Crediton United Charities, Morrisons and Tescos, the Lions Club, the NFU and the Freemasons and the Crediton Courier, as well as national organisations.
"Our treasurer John Potter is about to retire at the end of March after nearly 12 years of fantastic service.
"We are now much in need of a new volunteer treasurer trustee."
If anyone would like to find out more about this and might be able to offer their services to the charity with this valued work, please contact Jenny Berg, chair of trustees: [email protected] .
If anyone would like to know more about the services offered by Age Concern Crediton and District, please telephone 01363 775008 or email: [email protected] .