THE Saint Boniface Concert Society will hold its AGM at Crediton Parish Church on Sunday, January 26 at 3pm and is delighted to present a free recital by accomplished pianist Robin Stephenson.

The AGM and concert will be followed by refreshments.

Robin Stephenson gave an inspirational recital at our 2024 AGM, playing totally from memory and with outstanding musicality. He played works by Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Medtner and Liszt, providing brief but very interesting introductions to each piece.

Meanwhile, Robin’s outstanding musicianship has been recognised internationally: in September he won first prize in Warsaw’s prestigious International Chopin Competition for Amateur Pianists, a remarkable achievement.

It’s a great honour for the society to be able to welcome Robin back to play again this year – presenting a wonderful programme of Chopin impromptus, nocturnes, polonaises, mazurkas and ballades.

Robin, who has strong family links in the Crediton area, is both a musician and a mathematician. He holds the post of Lecturer in Applied Probability at the University of Sheffield, hence his ‘amateur’ status as a pianist.

The Saint Boniface Concert Society is a local charity dedicated to bringing outstanding musicians to play in Crediton for all to enjoy.

Its focus is on the joy of music, and at its AGM we want to promote the society’s exciting programme of concerts for 2025.

Season tickets will be available for sale. There will also be very brief reports on our 2024 season and the election of committee members.

The society will be pleased to welcome additional volunteers to get involved and help at concerts, or simply to join our mailing list.

You are welcome to contact us before the meeting if you would like to find out more. Please email us at [email protected]

The society looks forward to welcoming existing supporters and new faces to this recital and to our AGM.

Caroline Romijn