THE June meeting of Sandford Parish Council was held at New Buildings, giving residents of that part of the parish an opportunity to discuss items needing attention.
Several residents drew the council's attention to concerns over road safety, speeding, and parking at Leaveacre.
A meeting has been scheduled at New Buildings with the Police and the DCC Road Safety Officer to discuss these issues.
A Parishioner also commented that the new New Buildings bus shelter was too low.
At the meeting the Clerk reported on 29 e-mails and letters received concerning the Pedlarspool issue. A public meeting was set for 7.30pm on Friday, June 26 to discuss the matter and it was agreed to invite an Officer from the MDDC Planning Department to attend.
The Contest to find the best garden and the best tubs and containers will again take place this year, in conjunction with Sandford Flower Show.
Gardens will be judged (weather permitting) on the evening of Wednesday, July 8. Cash prizes will be awarded.
The council agreed to donate £300 towards the estimated cost of £2,000 to furnish the Heritage Room being formed as part of the St Swithun's Under Gallery fund.
A Sub Committee has been formed to discuss Sandford's affordable housing needs and a meeting will take place on July 16 at 8pm at Sandford Congregational Church Hall.
The next Parish Council meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Thursday, July 2.
M J Vallance