COMEDIAN Josh Widdicombe has been awarded an honorary degree by the University of Exeter.

Known for his popular podcasts, stand-up and television work, he grew up on Dartmoor and went to South Dartmoor Community College and Exeter College. 

Mr Widdicombe said he was “thrilled” to be honoured at a ceremony for those who had graduated in humanities subjects.

He said: “There is no better way to have spent three years of your life than studying the degrees you have. You are doing something which is so important – that is expressing yourself creatively and connecting with other people via writing and reading.

“Your 20s are meant for finding out about life, they are meant for experimenting. Genuinely it’s not a race, if you don’t know you will find out. Life isn’t a straight path, none of it is a waste.

“We are all idiots muddling through. That is what nobody tells you. Nobody believes really that they know what they are doing.

“Life is absurd, embrace it. Laugh at yourself. Fun and play produces the best work. It gives you confidence to try things you wouldn’t and to go to places you would be otherwise too scared to go to.

“All the best art, music and writing comes from places of excitement and childish play. Do not lose that.” 

University of Exeter historian Professor Helen Berry also helped Josh trace his royal links when he took part in series 18 of the BBC programme Who Do You Think You Are?.