I GUESS like many of you, I’m a great fan of wildlife programmes of all descriptions.
There’s something wonderful about seeing nature in all its variety, beauty and at times, brutality.
One of the most incredible sights I watched recently was a large python swallowing an antelope whole!
Then there was the sight of a beautiful flower growing in an otherwise harsh, barren terrain. The patient and detailed work of those who make and present such programmes is to be admired.
Presenters such as Sir David Attenborough often refer to the “beauty”, “order”, “meticulous detail” of the animals or plants they are describing.
Each species having its own place and function in the eco system that makes up our beautiful planet.
Sadly some presenters, Sir David in particular, refuse to believe that the amazing scenes they are describing originated through “intelligent design”.
The “Big Bang” theory seems incredulous as explosions cause devastation, not order and beauty.
Why is evolution taught as fact in our education establishments? - it’s only a theory!
So, has this all happened just by “chance”; is it simply “coincidence” that life on earth is held in such a delicate and wonderful balance?
Isn’t it mind blowing that in our solar system we are just close enough to the sun to have light and heat but far enough away not to be burned up by the sun’s ferocious temperature.
As unpopular as it seems to be, the evidence in my view, as a bible believing Christian, points towards our world, our solar system, and the universes beyond, having a wonderful, beautiful, amazing Creator who created an incredibly ordered and diverse universe in breathtaking beauty and balance.
The bible in the letter to the Roman followers of Christ states that we are without excuse in not believing in a Creator God, when we look at the beauty of the landscape around us.
Most stunning of all is this Creator God dwelling outside of time desires to have a relationship with humankind, the pinnacle of His creation.
The most famous verse in the bible is John 3 verse 16; “for God so loved the world (cosmos), that He gave His only Son (Jesus), that all who believe (trust and are committed to) Him, shall not perish but have eternal life”.
Why not connect with the One who created you and loves you more deeply than you know - currently!
Bob House
The Well Church
Rockwell Green