NORTH Creedy Choral Society will present its Annual Christmas Concert as part of the Christmas Tree Festival in Crediton Parish Church on Saturday, December 3.

There will be a small ensemble, and Jason Bomford will be the Soloist.

Work will include excerpts from the Handel’s “Messiah” (“For unto us, All we like sheep, Glory to God”) and Part 1 of Bach’s “Christmas Oratorio” together with selected music by Rutter.

There will be carols for all to join in, seasonal readings, and the Harrison organ will be played by Peter Gilks.

Wine, cold drinks and apple juice will be provided in the interval for donations.

Tickets at £10 each, are available at Ticket Source, or from A E Lee Outfitters, or at the door.

The concert will commence at 7.30pm and conclude at approximately 9pm.