CADBURY Deanery Bell Ringers held a competition for novice and intermediate teams at St Swithun’s Church, Sandford on Saturday, September 28.

Teams from Morchard Bishop, MB; Sandford, S; Colebrooke and Stoke Canon took part.

The results were as follows:

Novice section (Five minutes of round ringing) Shield and 1st place Wendy, MB 3 faults; 2nd Matt, S 5 ½ ; 3rd John, MB 11 ½ ; 4th Graham, S 13 ¼ ;5th Jasper, MB 18 ¼.

Intermediate section, 60 on thirds, top ringing only: Shield and 1st place Stoke Canon, 67 faults; 2nd Colebrooke, 79.

The judges were Mr Jim King and Mrs Alison Stoyle. Mrs Rita King served light refreshments.

The chairman Mr Bob Robinson expressed his thanks to all who participated.