THE First Bow Scouts has issued an urgent appeal for help or it may have to close.

Taking to social media, a spokesperson said: “This summer we had a few Leaders step back from Bow Scouts either because they feel they have done their years or for family reasons. We could not be more grateful for their energy, time and commitment.

“We have much to celebrate:

“• The programme we’re offering is as strong as ever, with a huge array of indoor and outdoor activities that offer the types of learnings they do not get at school. The container at the field and the hut cupboard are full of materials, tents, backpacks, cooking equipment, and all sorts of games.

“• Beavers, Cubs and Scouts “absolutely love” our meetings, we hear this all the time and it motivates us to do more.

“• Our leaders are responsive and effective, and we have a strong board of Trustees. We will this autumn be starting a social calendar for everyone in our Scouting community.

“To keep all this going, we need people to step up and help us replace the leaders who have left. There are requirements from headquarters around the adult to child ratio of our meetings, and with safeguarding policies we always need more people around than the formal ratios.

“Currently we need one more leader for Beavers and TWO for Scouts. Without more volunteers, we literally will have to close.

“Traditionally, parents join the group as Beaver leaders and progress through the sections as their children get older, but you do not have to be a parent to be a leader.”

The spokesperson added: “The process is simple:

“1. Let us know you’re interested and we will link you with headquarters who will process background checks and provide you with links to the mandatory training for safeguarding, first aid and how scouting works. This training is straightforward and not as onerous as it sounds!

“2. While the formalities are happening, you can join us as an extra adult helper to learn more about us, our programme and so that the young people get to know who you are.

“3. Once the formalities are completed, we welcome you as an invested leader and you’re in!

“It really was easy, I enjoyed it and love wearing my Bow necker when I come to the meetings!” said one of our more recently recruited leaders.

“The ball really is in your court. If you want 1st Bow Scouts to continue, then it’s time to come forward and join the group.”

Bow Scouts meets on Thursday evenings during school term time, in the village hall during winter, and at Burston Meadows field during better weather.

Beavers (6-8 years) meet at 4.30-6pm, Cubs (8-10½ yrs) at 6-7.15pm, and Scouts (10½-14 yrs) after that.

If you can help, email: [email protected] .