A PUPPET show described as “new, innovative, astounding and frankly bonkers” is coming up in Crediton. 

The Ballad of the Underwater Daughter will be performed at Crediton Arts Centre from 7.30pm on Friday, October 4. 

Recommended for ages 14 and over, the show will last one hour and 15 minutes.

“Dad Island is a complete mess! Just like its occupants,” a spokesperson for The Object Project said. 

“And there’s not even an effective coping mechanism, not by any means.  

“Things keep breaking down in ludicrous and apocalyptic ways!  

“Still, they’ve managed to find some sort of equilibrium. Then, one stormy night, a tiny bottle washes into the harbour with a handwritten note inside which reads ‘remember me?’ 

“The Ballad of the Underwater Daughter features puppetry, machines and clownish storytelling. There’s also a lot of swearing… and exploding dads.” 

There will also be a post-show exhibition. 

To book tickets, visit: ticketsource.co.uk/creditonartscentre