THE Minister at Crediton Methodist Church, Rev Alison Richardson, has now retired and returned to her native Cornwall.

On September 1 the church congregation welcomed new Minister, Rev Ben Haslam.

Having been a Lay Worker in the Teddington Methodist Circuit, Ben pursued a call to ordained ministry and was ordained in 2015 whilst serving in the Milton Keynes Circuit.

Ben says that he originally comes from God’s own county (Yorkshire) but he says Devon comes a very close second!

Bronwyn Nott explained: “Ben’s passions in ministry are for pastoral care, encouraging others to explore and use their God-given gifts and opening up the Bible so as to equip and enable Christian discipleship and witness today.

“He lists his other interests as history, good books, good food and stunning views.

“Ben lives in Exeter and already has churches in Exeter, Exminster, Honiton and Farway.

“We look forward to getting to know Ben and I am sure we will all appreciate his ministry.”