BRIDGE is the best card game in the world!  So say members of a Bridge Club which meets at Morchard Bishop.

The group say it is not difficult to learn and it is for all ages and for people from all backgrounds.

They say it is very sociable because you make a wide group of new friends and once learnt, you can play as a group of just four or play on the internet with a friend or even by yourself.

The lessons will be held on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm to 10pm.  They are free apart from room hire (£3) and you get a free booklet.

Once 20 people sign up, the lessons can start.

The venue is the Morchard Bishop Sports and Social Club. There is a bar and refreshments at the break.

If transport is a problem, the group may be able to arrange lifts.   

Why not go along and give it a try?  If you are interested, please email:  or telephone 01363 877096.