THE use of a narrow lane by pedestrians and cyclists in Crediton is causing some discussion among local users.

Penton Lane in Crediton has one stretch along it which is very narrow and only a few feet wide.

Half-way along Penton Lane is an sign, estimated to be 20-30 years old, which reads, “This is a Pedestrian Right of Way Only, Cycling is Prohibited, Persons Allowing Dogs to Foul will be Prosecuted”.

Recently modern “No Cycling” signs have appeared at either end of Penton Lane.

It is understood that there is no “official” classification that Penton Lane has a “No Cycling” order restriction, however, a cyclist would need to dismount in the narrow section if they met a pedestrian or another cyclist.

It is believed that the new “No Cycling” signs have been placed there by an individual or individuals and not by Devon County Council who maintain the public right of way.

Recently a hand-written notice appeared beneath one of the “No Cycling” signs asking that a dialogue be started to try to resolve the issue.

• Should cyclists be allowed to use Penton Lane? Share your views with fellow “Courier” readers.

Write a letter, suitable for publication, to: The Editorial Manager, “Crediton Courier”, 102 High Street, Crediton EX17 3LF or email: [email protected] .

Alan Quick