ZEAL Monachorum Village Hall has been inspired by one of its residents, who himself makes films, to do something completely different to its usual movie nights.

On Saturday, September 28, doors opening at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, it will present a Festival of Short Films by Devon independent film makers, including one from Crediton.

It has been carefully curated to offer a mixture of genres from comedy, documentary, history to animation and more, making for a great watch.

There’ll be time to talk and critique the films in a cafe style set up, with drinks, choc ices, and popcorn available.

Hall Chair, Erica Eden, said “We know we’re not Cannes, but it’s not often you get something this fun right on your doorstep and giving a showcase to local film makers, so don’t miss out”.

Everyone will be welcome. Please book by September 23 on 01363 82571 so that enough refreshments can be ordered.