THE theft of farm and plant machinery across parts of Mid Devon continues to be an issue for many in rural areas.

Seward Folland of Puddington near Crediton, during the night of Friday, July 12 or early hours of Saturday, July 13, had his quad bike and trailer stolen.

His daughter Melanie explained: “They broke into the yard and shed that were both padlocked and used an angle grinder!

“We have Ring doorbell footage of the bike and trailer heading towards Kennerleigh from the Black Dog Inn at 3.03am followed by what looks like a silver Honda CRV.

“There are not very many of these around, especially with black plastic down the sides.

“We know it didn’t go as far as Stoneshill as the house up there has CCTV and nothing went through.”

It is believed that the offenders stopped en route to steal garden tools.

Another family member said: “Someone knows something.  Please check your cameras.  Have you seen the silver Honda CRV parked up?  We believe it has been seen in Lapford recently.

“We have reason to believe stolen goods including our quad and trailer could be hidden in old/disused barns - please check your property.

“We are offering a reward for information leading to the return of the bike or a conviction.

“There is too much rural crime happening at the moment - please pull together as a community - we need to stop these people stealing.”

Other local recent thefts have included a trailer from Hittisleigh and thousands of pounds worth of tools from a workshop at Bow.


Devon and Cornwall Police has issued advice if you own plant or farm machinery.

Do you leave keys in your machinery? A simple method of security is to take your keys with you. You wouldn't leave your keys in your car would you?! 

Do you park your machinery in sight of CCTV, PIR Lighting or inside a secure building? Thieves don't want to be seen, so simple security such as good lighting and CCTV make your farm undesirable to them.

Even better, keep your machinery locked and secured in an alarmed barn or building with CCTV and lighting.

Do you have a log of all your serial numbers for your equipment if something was stolen? If you were to have something stolen, the Police would ask for serial numbers to identify your machinery - imagine how many “red quad bikes” there are out there - a serial number is key to identifying your machine. 

Have you considered new technologies? Things like DNA marking and chipping of plant machinery doesn't have to cost a lot, and could result in the identification and recovery of your machinery.

The Police Rural Affairs Team have a selection of “Secured by Design” products which can be demonstrated and discussed with you or you can visit the “Secured by Design” website: .

You work hard for your living! Don't let rural criminals have an easy ride! 

Thinking about security AFTER a theft is too late, think PREVENT! 

Contact the Devon and Cornwall Police Rural Affairs team using the 101 number if you would like some further information or support in relation to farm security.